Online Booking Made Easy

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We are so glad you're considering First Dawn for your next photo shoot or event!

Ready to book?

Choose from the following options below!

or contact us

Get in Touch

Feeling stuck or have Questions? Reach out here for support!

If you don't hear from me within three business days after submitting your inquiry, feel free to contact me directly at:


Phone: +414-573-7770

Milwaukee, WI 53212


What are the steps after we fill out the form?

If you have not heard back within three business days, you are encouraged to give us a call at 414-573-7770. Once we get in touch with each other, we will set a date, discuss payment options and choose a venue or multiple locations. Reach out to book or to get a quote today!

We don't have a set date yet, can we still message you?

We are always willing to take your questions and requests! Feel free to reach out for rates, special requests or even help brainstorming and budgeting your photoshoot or event.

Are the travel fees included in your packages?

Local travel is included for photography in the city of Milwaukee and its surrounding counties. Let us know if you are interested in booking outside of the county and we'd be happy to discuss flexible pricing options!